C-Release emulsion type
Emulsion type
Made from a selection of petroleum oils and emulsifiers with additives to help prevent rust and reduce air bubbles, it is manufactured by special machine to achieve good emulsionwith particle resolution.
It is also soluble in hard water, providing high remains when dissolved, with a slippery and slick film layer.
It takes approximately 5-15 minutes depending on the condition and temperature of the air.
· Fast and convenient mixing.
· Reduces stock and storage costs at site or plant.
· Less wastage and loss.
· Does not contain any toxic products.
· Minimizes cleaning prior to re-use due to clean release.
· None staining-no oil stains on concrete surfaces.
· Fair faced finish-plastering is not required.
· Reduced transport cost- it comes in the concentrated form and dilution with water has to be done at the site.
· User friendly-no irritating order, itching etc.
· High coverage and lower cost.